If you've ever wondered how to get all those comps you've heard of in Las Vegas -- you know, the free hotel rooms, dinners and drinks -- read this illuminating article which comes via the
Daily Deal Blog.
Basically there's a formula that casinos use to figure out how much free stuff they will give away to players who come to gamble.
According to
Frank Scoblete of
Casino City Times: "Here's the formula that most casinos use: Average Bet X # decisions per hour X playing time X house edge = Theoretical Loss. The casinos generally give back between 30 to 50 percent of a player's theoretical loss."
So don't expect to be put up at the
Bellagio for playing $5 chips at the Blackjack table.
The article has a handy chart that shows the amount of comp you can expect based on the time you play, the game you play and the type of chips you use.